Independent flooring services with a fresh perspective

Based in East Anglia, we offer our site-based services throughout the East of England, South-East and London. All of our non-site specific and commercial services are available throughout the UK.

For a copy of our Terms of Business, please click below

JH Flooring Consultancy Terms Of Business 2024 03
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For a full and descriptive range of  services, see our SERVICES page for more information.

Whether it be in contracting, or the domestic and housebuilder markets, the flooring industry is changing. At JH Flooring Consultancy we aim to support you in that change. We offer a range of services in a flexible, affordable way, as and when you need them.

Formed by founder and owner/operator John Hicks in 2016, JH Flooring Consultancy was created to offer a range of professional services to the flooring industry. With over thirty years operating as a flooring contractor and consultant, John Hicks has a wealth of experience in the commercial and domestic flooring industries,  both in the UK and abroad. These focus primarily on six areas of substantial experience and expertise, namely;

  • Agency & Supply Services - Whether it be regionally, or nationally, let us fulfil your agency or framework requirement using our specialist knowledge of floor finishes, adding a level of technical know-how, and our network of contacts to drive your projects and specifications from the outset.
  • Commercial Services - Estimating and producing quotations, negotiating and securing subcontracts, business development, setting up new projects, submitting public tenders and a wide range of flooring quantity surveying services, including calculating lump-sums, invoicing and final account preparation. Creation of professional matrices to provide a range of flooring types to housebuilders for their exact house types.
  • Dispute Resolution - Settling final accounts, measures and invoicing disputes in a timely, efficient and professional way. Mediating with Main Contractors and Builders to maximise outcomes to your jobs and projects. Site reports to support your position when entrenched in a dispute over snagging or defects. Management of your retentions to ensure a timely and high percentage of return. And if all else fails, assisting you to raise and handle a civil claim to recover what is owed to you.
  • Site Services - In connection with any of the above, we can attend site meetings to support you. Whether it be pre-start meetings, contract meetings, or final account negotiations, we will attend site either with you, or on your behalf to get the best outcome for your business. We can carry out final account measures to support submission of your account, or site inspections for more practical reporting, such as damp, sub-floor failure, or latent defects.
  • E-Commerce and Systems - Want to offer your products and services online? We can create an e-commerce solution using your existing domain or a new one to your exact specification, then manage or advise you on SEO, PPC advertising and more. Or, using advanced systems that integrate into your Microsoft Office, we can design and implement operational software that is designed specifically for flooring contractors and installers. Including customer databases, job tracking, jobsheets, ordering and invoicing systems plus much more, with special features included to incorporate method statements, risk assessments, reverse-charge VAT and even retentions.
  • Specification - We can source, advise and specify floor finishes for your project, ensuring that the right products are being used in the right environment. If you are a public body, we can assist with or even produce tender documents for you, or recommend finishes to suit the correct level of slip-resistance, environmental sustainability and maintenance. Our services include writing NBS Specifications for Soft Floor Finishes (M50), Entrance Matting, (N10), Hygienic Wall Cladding (K21) and more.

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